Articles published in Journal of Food Processing & Technology have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. Journal of Food Processing & Technology has got h-index 53, which means every article in Journal of Food Processing & Technology has got 53 average citations.

Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in Journal of Food Processing & Technology.

  2022 2021 2020 2019 2018

Year wise published articles

62 51 81 47 60

Year wise citations received

2095 2106 1922 1701 1548
Journal total citations count 14233
Journal Impact Factor 1.64
Journal 5 years Impact Factor 2.54
Journal CiteScore 30.43
Journal h-index 53
Important citations

Mehta BM (2014) Nutritional and toxicological aspects of the chemical changes of food components and nutrients during heating and cooking. InHandbook of food chemistry.

Jinap S, Iqbal SZ, Talib NH, Hasnol ND (2016) Heterocyclic aromatic amines in deep fried lamb meat: The influence of spices marination and sensory quality. Journal of food science and technology 53: 1411-1417.

Fabiansson C, Fabiansson S (2016) Food and the Risk Society: The Power of Risk Perception. Routledge.

Khan MR (2015) Influence of food condiments on the formation of carcinogenic heterocyclic amines in cooked chicken and determination by LC-MS/MS. Food Additives & Contaminants: Part A 32: 307-314.

Yao Y, Peng ZQ, Shao B, Wan KH, Wang FL, et al. (2013) Effects of frying and boiling on the formation of heterocyclic amines in braised chicken. Poultry science 92: 3017-3025.

Jinap S, Iqbal SZ, Selvam RM (2015) Effect of selected local spices marinades on the reduction of heterocyclic amines in grilled beef (satay). LWT-Food Science and Technology 63: 919-926.

Li R, Tian J, Li W, Xie J (2013) Effects of 2-amino-1-methyl-6-phenylimidazo [4, 5-b] pyridine (PhIP) on histopathology, oxidative stress, and expression of c-fos, c-jun and p16 in rat stomachs. Food and chemical toxicology 55: 182-191.

Haskaraca G, Demirok E, Kolsarıcı N, Öz F, Özsaraç N (2014) Effect of green tea extract and microwave pre-cooking on the formation of heterocyclic aromatic amines in fried chicken meat products. Food Research International 63: 373-381.

Proietti I, Frazzoli C, Mantovani A (2014) Identification and management of toxicological hazards of street foods in developing countries. Food and chemical toxicology 63: 143-152.

ÖKSÜZTEPE G, ERKAN S (2015) Mikotoksinler ve Halk Sağlığı Açısından Önemi.

Kriz-Wickham B (2010) Nebraska Department of Agriculture Specialty Crop Block Grant Program Final Performance Reports (FY 2010–Farm Bill).

Habibipour R, Tamandegani PR, Farmany A (2016) Monitoring of aflatoxin G1, B1, G2, and B2 occurrence in some samples of walnut. Environmental monitoring and assessment 188: 669.

Reder M, Ciemniewska-Żytkiewicz H, Sujka K, Koczoń P, Matlingiewicz A, et al. (2014) Use of FT-IR Spectroscopy Combined with Discriminant Analysis for Identification of Hazelnuts Infected by Aspergillus flavus. Academic Food Journal/Akademik GIDA.

Nishant T, Sathish KD, Arun KR, Hima BK, Raviteja Y (2011) Bacteriocin producing probiotic lactic acid bacteria. Journal of Microbial & Biochemical Technology 3: 121-124.

Rata-rata MTP, Tiap MO (2015) Kelompok Perlakuan Waktu. Sari 1: 3.

González Villalva XA (2012) Desarrollo de una tecnología para elaborar una bebida alcohólica a partir de la grosella blanca (phyllanthus acidus) (Bachelor's thesis).

Dipjyoti C, Sourangshu C, Mohanasrinivasan V (2015) Fermentation of Psidiumguajava Juice by Using Probiotic Lactic acid Bacteria Lactobacillus Plantarum. Journal of Nutrition & Food Sciences 5: 1.

Patil YK, Rajput LP, Singh Y, Tantwai K (2013) Wine production from over ripe guava fruits using Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya Jabalpur 482004 (Madhya Pradesh) India.

Du J, Han F, Yu P, Li J, Fan L (2016) Optimization of fermentation conditions for Chinese bayberry wine by response surface methodology and its qualities. Journal of the Institute of Brewing 122: 763-771.

Siddiqui A, Anusha N (2012) Deleterious Effects of Food Habits in Present Era. J Aller Ther 3: 2.