Articles published in Journal of Food Processing & Technology have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. Journal of Food Processing & Technology has got h-index 53, which means every article in Journal of Food Processing & Technology has got 53 average citations.

Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in Journal of Food Processing & Technology.

  2022 2021 2020 2019 2018

Year wise published articles

62 51 81 47 60

Year wise citations received

2095 2106 1922 1701 1548
Journal total citations count 14233
Journal Impact Factor 1.64
Journal 5 years Impact Factor 2.54
Journal CiteScore 30.43
Journal h-index 53
Important citations

Arun KR, Sathish KD, Gayatri V, Nishanth T (2011) A Comprehensive Assessment and Perception of Genetically Modified Foods. J Genetic Syndrome Gene Therapy.

Dar BN, Sharma S, Singh B, Kaur G (2014) Quality assessment and physicochemical characteristics of bran enriched chapattis. Int J Food Sci.

Bhoir SA, Muppalla SR, Kanatt SR, Chawla SP, Sharma A (2015) Radappertization of ready-to-eat shelf-stable, traditional Indian bread─ Methi Paratha. Radiation Physics Chem 111: 24-27.

Yalçınöz ÅžK, Erçelebi E (2016) Rheological and sensory properties of red coloured fruit sauces prepared with different hydrocolloids.

Deshmukh PS, Manjunatha SS, Raju PS (2014) Influence of moisture content on thermophysical properties of enzyme clarified sapota (Achras sapota L.) juice. Int Food Res J.

Göksel Z, Atak A (2014) Kiwifruit Processing Studies. In VIII International Symposium on Kiwifruit.

Diamante LM, Liu H (2016) Rheological Properties of Green and Gold Kiwifruit Purees at Different Temperatures. J Food Chem Nanotechnol 2: 50-56.

Lemos TDO (2012) Avaliação de blendas de hidrocolóides na estabilização do néctar de caju: aspectos reológicos e sensoriais (Doctoral dissertation).

Mohamadi SA, Hedayati G, Arianfar A (2014) Effect of temperature and concentration on density and rheological properties of melon (Cucumis melo L. var. Inodorus) juice. Nutri Food Sci 44: 168-178.

Sabancı S, Celebi C, Icier F (2014) Rheological Properties of Sübye: A Traditional Beverage. Acad Food J 12: 11-15.

Diamante L, Umemoto M (2015) Rheological properties of fruits and vegetables: a review. Int J Food Properties 18: 1191-1210.

Jan I, Rab A, Sajid M (2013) Influence of calcium chloride on physical characteristics and soft rot incidence on fruit of apple cultivars. J Animal Plant Sci 23: 1353-1359.

Deshmukh PS, Manjunatha SS, Raju PS (2015) Rheological behaviour of enzyme clarified sapota (Achras sapota L) juice at different concentration and temperatures. Journal of Food Sci Technol 52: 1896-1910.

Popović M, Grozdanović M, Gavrović-Jankulović M (2013) Kiwifruit as a food allergen source. Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society 78: 333-352.

Grozdanovic MM, Burazer L, Gavrovic-Jankulovic M (2013) Kiwifruit (Actinidia deliciosa) extract shows potential as a low-cost and efficient milk-clotting agent. Int Dairy J 32: 46-52.

Catherina CI (2016) Pengaruh konsentrasi perendaman kalsium laktat terhadap sifat fisikokimia mashed sweet potato powder (Doctoral dissertation, Widya Mandala Catholic University Surabaya).

Mulyawanti I, Budijanto S, Yasni S (2017) Optimasi Formula dan Struktur Mikroskopik Pasta Bebas Gluten Berbahan Dasar Puree Ubi Jalar Ungu dan Tepung Kacang Hijau. Agritech 36: 15-22.

Yuliani H (2015) Karakteristik Fisikokimia Dan Daya Cerna Pati Mi Kering Sagu Dengan Substitusi Tepung Kacang Hijau.

Novianti D, Pertanian MT (2016) Pengaruh jenis fermentasi terhadap karakteristik tepung komposit ubi jalar putih (Ipomoea batatas l.) sebagai bahan baku produk mie kering.

SudhakaraRao J, Parimalavalli R (2014) Effect of Isolation Methods on Physicochemical and Functional Properties of Cassava Starch.