Shweta Upadhyay and Surendra Kumar
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Food Process Technol
Anemia affects almost two-thirds of pregnant women in developing countries and contributes to maternal morbidity and mortality and to low birth weight. Present study was undertaken with an objective to determine the effectiveness of supplementation alone Vs supplementation in combination with diet counselling on pregnancy outcomes of women living in an urban community setting in, Haryana. This was a prospective, observational study of pregnant anaemic women (n=190) enrolled at 6 to 10 weeks of gestation and followed to 6 weeks postpartum. A blood sample was obtained at enrolment, II and III trimester to determine hemoglobin levels. Information on nutritional knowledge, attitudes, and practice and dietary history regarding usual food intake and during pregnancy were obtained by trained interviewers within 1 week of enrolment. The subjects were divided into two groups viz group I received only folifer supplementation and group II received supplementation in combination of counselling. It was found that women in group II had significant higher value of Hb than group I. Multivariate analysis after adjustment for education, pregnancy history, iron supplementation, and height showed that drinking more than three cups of tea per day before pregnancy, consumption of clay or dirt during pregnancy and never consuming eggs or consuming eggs less than twice a week during pregnancy were significantly associated with anaemia. Pica, tea consumption, and low intake of eggs and red meat were associated with anemia. It was concluded that supplementation is more effective strategy when it is done in combination with counselling.
Shweta Upadhyay has done PhD (Major Human Nutrition Minor Food Technology) from India?s first Agriculture University GBPant Univ of Ag & Tech, Pantnagar Uttarakhand. She has 8 years of research and teaching experience. She has a number of presentations in different conferences, seminars, symposium, workshops. Her key area of interest includes public health nutrition and micronutrient research. She has been academic counsellor for IGNOU MSc (Dietetics & Food Service Management). She has guided 8 dissertations of MSc students. During her PhD, her research paper twice got selected from ICMR for presentation under the young scientist category. She has a number of publications in journals and magazines. She has been recipient of Young Investigator Award at 16th World Congress on Clinical Nutrition