Direslgne Misker Abyu
Research Article
Recovery Rate and Determinants in Treatment of Children with Severe Acute Malnutrition using Outpatient Therapeutic Feeding Program in Kamba District, South West Ethiopia
Author(s): Negash Alemu Shanka, Sebelewengel Lemma and Direslgne Misker Abyu
Negash Alemu Shanka, Sebelewengel Lemma and Direslgne Misker Abyu
Introduction: Globally approximately one million children die every year from severe acute malnutrition. It is reported that severe acute malnutrition(SAM) is the commonest reason for paediatric hospital admission in many poor countries; 25 to 30% of children with severe malnutrition die during hospital admissions.
Objective: To assess the success rate of OTP in treatment of children with SAM and identify its determinants at Kamba district, South West Ethiopia.
Method: Institution based retrospective longitudinal study was carried out on children who were treated on the OTP. A total sample of 711 was selected from 4 health centers and 12 satellite health posts. A structured and pretested data abstraction form were prepared and used for data collection. The data were cleaned, coded and entered into Epi-INFO, analyzed by S.. View More»