Zero to hero: When there are no Escherichia coli showing on a comprehensive stool analysis, to thriving gut health and reversing symptoms
7th Annual Summit on Microbiology: Education, R&D and Market
September 28-29, 2018 | San Antonio, USA

Raewyn Ma

Griffith University, Australia

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: Clin Microbiol


Expected and beneficial bacteria found normally in the gut were totally absent. A comprehensive stool analysis revealed no growth for Escherichia coli and low numbers of other expected bacteria under beneficial flora. However, an overgrowth of pathogens was present under Dysbiotic flora. Treatment is given of multiple antibiotics, along with natural herbs which were unsuccessful to resolve symptoms of the overgrowth of pathogens and as well as later finding a parasite. The female patient continued with symptoms previously experienced including the elimination of a bowel movement happening once every 9 days. This continued to cause a stressful situation to this female???s wellbeing. The long-term effects of the long absence of elimination cause the buildup of toxins, damage to the intestinal lining and in her case, leaky gut syndrome had occurred where this leads to inflammation forming. Inflammation was of high levels and arthritis pain was evident. This person contacted me and took one of my programs, looking at all areas of a healthy lifestyle, medications, chemicals exposed to, diet and dealing with stress. Adjusting her diet made a significant impact on her health and constipation was improved in 2 days. It???s not only consuming whole foods and eliminating processed foods but knowing the right foods for your gut and microbiome. Probiotics were also introduced and made a significant difference as well. The 2 probiotic strains were Lactobacillus rhamnosus LGG� and Bifidobacterium (BB-12�) strains. The benefits of taking Probiotics support a healthy digestive system and maintaining healthy gut flora. Feed your gut well and symptoms will be improved to being reversed.

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