Wheat harvest loss estimation
3rd International Conference on Agricultural Engineering and Food Security
November 12-13, 2018 | Berlin, Germany

Mohamed Jadlaoui, Tarek Jarrahi and Oussama Kheriji

National Institute of Field Crops, Tunisia

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Food Process Technol


Today, one of the main global challenges is how to ensure food security for a world growing population whilst ensuring longterm sustainable development. According to many of the loss studies in the world, we have numbers and results that always show an increase in loss at the harvest level. This means that an alert must be made urgently. Our objectives were to estimate and calculate this loss (pre-harvest and harvest) and to see some initiatives to reduce the loss of mechanization. Some old studies in Tunisia showed that the mean of loss was more than 12% (pre-harvest and harvest due to machine). Logically, this number should be considered as a very high amount and out of the acceptable range. Harvesting delay and unadjusted combines considered the most causes of crop loss. However, combine adjusting is not the only factor to reduce loss. Many factors, such as combine abrasion or management and planning factors are affecting crop loss. Time of harvesting, seed moisture content, weather relative humidity, field topography, correct combine performance and crop characteristics identification are affecting crop loss reduction. Loss of pre-harvest and harvest is part of a values chain and also most importantly to reduce other sources of losses such as storage and transport.

Biography :

Mohamed Jadlaoui has completed his Master degree in Mechanical Engineering and Agro-Industries from Higher School of Rural Equipment Engineers, Tunisia. He is a Chief Engineer working as Head of Agricultural Machinery and Irrigation Service at the National Institute of Field crops, Public sector. He has participated in oral communication and posters in several international and national seminars.

E-mail: mohamed.jadlaoui@gmail.com