Understanding food additives: Parameters to consider in design of toxicity studies
International Conference on Food Safety and Regulatory Measures
August 17-19, 2015 Birmingham, UK

Myra L Weiner

TOXpertise LLC, USA

Posters-Accepted Abstracts: J Food Process Technol


Design of toxicity studies for food additives for regulatory and product safety purposes requires an understanding of their chemistry, physical/chemical properties and relevant oral dose administration to insure the most relevant study and results for human extrapolation. Studies of several food additives will be examined to illustrate common pitfalls in study design. Parameters considered essential for good study design and interpretation include identity/purity of the food additive; product reactivity and properties, nutritional components of dietand choice of vehicle including effects of the food additive on viscosity or reactivity of the dosing vehicle. The high dose is often limited by the physical/chemical properties of the additive and should be chosen based on these factors. Examples to illustrate proper study design will include food additive phosphate salts, hydrogen peroxide and carrageenan.

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Email: myra@toxpertise.com