Peter Raspor
Accepted Abstracts: J Food Process Technol
Food systems are experiencing in practices new possibilities, duet to fast tehnical and technological advancement in developed world, such as: novel plant products, processing without heat treatment, in situ control of products with biosensors, fast and precise detection of unwanted/desired food grade micro-organisms, control of fluxes in order to reduce unwanted side reactions, intelligent packaging and polymers restructuring for increased shelf life and novel eatables and last but not least the use of new approaches in food preservation and distribution not to mention convenience foods and all impacts on human health in its wellbeing. Hazard is a (micro)biological, chemical, physical agent or condition with the potential to cause an adverse health effect. Managing hazards and surrounding circumstances does not mean that we mange safety completely. Today we master food safety via good practices like: GAP, GMP, GTP, GWP, GSP, GCP, GLP and GHP which can be involved within food supply chain. In all of them are elements that compose HACCP system as main system in food practice today. All mentioned practices are partial and not connected into comprehensive system and all locate consumer outside the system itself. Food safety platform with consumer as an active partner in the good nutrition practice (GNP) will be discussed and will offer novel proactive approach for food safety in human nutrition in the future. This is in the area where we have to encounter consumer needs. It looks obvious that we have to start to link more profoundly hard and soft sciences and transfer mutual finding, experiences and skills towards consumer but engaging all elements of food supply chain.
Peter Raspor, doctor of biotechnological sciences, professor of industrial microbiology and biotechnology, teaching and researching at University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. He started as a baker and later he finished his education and graduated in food science and finally in biotechnology. Since 1992 head of the Chair of Biotechnology, Biotechnical Faculty, Food Science and Technology Department, Since 2003 Head of Undergraduate study of biotechnology. He established post diploma studies in biotechnology and followed by diploma studies of biotechnology at Biotechnical Faculty. Currently he is running study of microbiology and heading chair of biotechnology, microbiology and food safety. He is also professor in Euroleague for Life Sciences programme ? Safety in the Food Chain? (MSc SIFC), as well as regular guest professor at University of Vienna in Nitrition studies with his own course. With his mentorship more than 100 students have finished studies in area of food technology and biotechnology on diploma and 30 at doctoral level. He conducted more than two dozens international and national projects in last 20 years. Since 1995 he is active with COST, having different functions up to president of TC and currently vice-chairing COST Domain committee for food and agriculture. From 2007 - 2009 he is President of EFFoST (European Federation of Food Science and Technology) with 80 societies in 21 European countries with about 150 000 members. He was the Secretary General of (FEMS) Federation of European Microbiological societies from 2000 to 2006 dealing regularly with 54 member societies with about 40000 members. He is also involved with other international and national governmental and nongovernmental organizations. He is a member of many scientific and professional societies and a member of editorial boards or editor in highly respected journals in the field. He published more than 130 scientific publications, more than 30 of book chapters and he edited more than dozen books at the same time organized more than 60 national and international meetings of large importance for food and microbiology and biotechnology filed, he is regular lecturer of international audience.