Hesham Tawakol
Corniche Maternity Hospital, UAE
Posters & Accepted Abstracts: J Neonatal Biol
Although mechanical ventilation is a daily challenge in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), many pediatric trainees and junior neonatal staff are not fully familiar with respiratory physiology nor they are aware of the basics of mechanical ventilation. Establishing a simple guide for these important topics is essential to educate the NICU staff which will reflect on the patient care especially avoiding the ventilator induced lung injury. This workshop introduces the rule of 3/7, which is a novel and simple guide to facilitate the understating of neonatal mechanical ventilation with incorporating respiratory physiology. The workshop is for 3 hours and consists of 14 scenarios that explain respiratory physiology, gas exchange and leave the audiences with a strategy for solving the different problems that occur during mechanical ventilation. Objectives of the workshop: (1) To understand the meaning of oxygenation and ventilation; (2) Physiology of the blood gas interface and factors that can affect the gas exchange; (3) How to differentiate between the different reasons of hypoxemia; (4) To understand the basics of mechanical ventilation and the different modes; (5) To analyze the problems of mechanical ventilation and solve it through a novel approach called the 3/7 approach. Heshams@seha.ae