P.A. Oyewusi, E.T. Akintayo and O. Olaofe
Accepted Abstracts: J Food Process Technol
The defatted seed meals of the cultivated and uncultivated rubber trees have been analyzed for proximate and amino acid compositions. The proximate analysis of the defatted uncultivated rubber seed meal showed that moisture, ash, crude protein, crude fat and carbohydrate were 16.9?3.7, 8.1?1.6, 8.8?0.8, 5.4?0.6 and 61.0?5.3% dry matter respectively while those of cultivated were 2.6?0.4, 2.3?0.2, 19.9?1.2, 7.8?1.9 and 67.4?2.2% dry matter respectively. Glutamic acid, aspartic acid and leucine were the most abundant amino acids while the S-containing amino acids, methionine and cystine, had the lowest concentration (9.9-14.9 g/kg crude protein). There is no significant differences between the essential amino acids of the two defatted seed meals at p<0.05 confidence level and the levels of most essential amino acids could probably supply the required supplements for both livestock and human beings.
Parul Sharma has completed her Bachelors in Home science from Lucknow University and Masters in Food Science and Technology from Bundelkhand University in 2002. Presently working as Assistant Professor in the department Of Food Science and Nutrition, Banasthali University Since 2003.Work profile includes teaching UG and PG classes with research guidance of PG students. During the tenure supervised 23 PG students of Which 5 have been sanctioned by DST (Department of Science and Technology), Rajasthan. She has published more than 10 research papers in reputed journals.