Stem cell as an innovative strategy of drug delivery system
17th International Conference on PHARMACOLOGY AND DRUG DISCOVERY
June 15-16, 2023 | Rome, Italy

Laila Montaser

University of Menoufia, Egypt

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Clin Exp Pharmacol


Statement of the problem: Clinical treatments has stalled in certain diseases due to a lack of proper therapeutic delivery systems. Researches on drug delivery systems (DDS) have made incredible progress, but there are still problems such as insufficient targeting and undesirable treatment efficiency. To improve the above problems, a stem cell-based DDS was developed. Methodology & theoretical orientation: Stem cells could be used as important drug delivery vehicles in the treatment of a number of human key diseases. For stem cells highly express chemokine receptors which can specifically bind to chemokines or cytokines produced in tissue injury sites, so they exhibit centripetal and homing properties, which is the reason why they are employed as DDS vehicles. The purpose of this study is to describe a novel strategy of drug delivery systems. Findings: Stem cell-based DDS enhance the targeting and efficiency of drugs with low immunogenicity. Cellular and molecular accuracy of the DDS could provide new possibilities for diagnosis and treatment of disease. The constructed DDS could increase the therapeutic concentration of the drug at the target site and maintain certain duration of action. The DDS can transport the drug from outside of the body to a specific location in the body through the delivery vehicle. It is a specialized system that comprehensively regulates the space, time, and dose distribution of the drug in the body to improve pharmacological activity and reduce side effects. Conclusion: The use of stem cells as carriers for therapeutic agents is an appealing modality for targeting tissues or organs of interest. Combined delivery of cells together with various information molecules as therapeutic agents has the potential to enhance local or systemic repair processes, increasing stem cell efficiency for regenerative medicine applications. We think stem cell -based DDS will demonstrate their significant prospects in the future.

Biography :

Laila Montaser is a distinguished Prof. of Clinical Pathology. Chair Stem Cell, Regenerative Medicine, Nanotechnology and Tissue Engineering (SRNT) Research Group. She served as the Chair, Founder leader of Clinical Pathology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Menoufia University, Egypt. Prof. Montaser an internationally recognized stem cell technology and regenerative medicine professional is a transformational leader and original thinker who is responsive to change. She has key competence in stem cell technology and regenerative medicine policy reinforced by global level and international experience in research, formulation and capacity building. She gained three Awards: Medal of Merit for the ideal Doctor from Egyptian Medical Syndicate in 1986, 1998, and 2002. In 2020-2022, she was awarded twenty seven certificates of appreciation for successfully presenting forty three Global Webinars (62.8%) for outstanding contribution to the commitment to provide continuing education to the international community from her home office amid the lock-down of COVID-19 crisis.