Spray dried juçara pulp and lyophilized grape pomace: Influence in the phenolic compound bioaccessibility and gut microbial growth
21st International Conference on Food Technology & Processing
October 04-06, 2018 | London, UK

Carolina Beres, Laurine Cristina Paulo da Silva, Danielle Cunha de Souza Pereira, Ana Paula de Oliveira Ribeiro, Caroline Mellinger Silva, Karina MariaOlbrich dos Santos, Flavia dos Santos Gomes and Lourdes Maria Correa Cabral

Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuaria, Brazil

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: J Food Process Technol


This study investigates two different fruits ju�ara (Euterpe edulis Martius) which is a native tropical fruit, with a high bioactive compound content. The most valued part of ju�ara tree is the palm, due to that it is in extinction danger, to reverse that situation there is an effort to stimulate the use of ju�ara fruit. This work purpose the elaboration of a spray dried ju�ara pulp to be used as a product or a food ingredient. Grape culture in Brazil is located mainly in the south region. Most grape production is designate to wine making process; this industry is known to generate a residue called grape pomace. This study suggested the utilization of this by product to produce a lyophilized extract to be applied in the food industry. Both dried products have the bioactive appeal, due to a rich phenolic content. Grape and ju�ara powder were characterized as total phenolic content (4776.87�236.08 mg total phenolics/ 100 g grape powder; 14,084.65�521.08 mg total phenolics/ 100 g ju�ara powder) and antioxidant activity (263.22�0.93 ?.mol Trolox/g grape powder; 845.43�44.77 ?.mol Trolox/g ju�ara powder) using folin ciocalteu and TEAC methods respectively. In order to compare the influence of the technological treatment in the bioactive compounds bio accessibility, products were submitted to an in vitro digestion simulation. Grape pomace lyophilized powder had a total phenolic compound bio accessibility of 111.15% which indicates that the tested microbiota increased the phenolic content. However, no influence on the Lactobacillus sp., bifidobacteria sp., Clostridium sp., and E.coli was observed after 48 h of colonic fermentation, with all cultures maintaining 106 CFU/mL. Ju�ara powder had 397.9% phenolic bio-accessibility and a notorious increase of two log circles in the analysed bacteria culture. This result suggests that the spray drying methodology facilitates phenolic compound bio accessibility.

Biography :

E-mail: carolberes@gmail.com