Sensory evaluation during in-process optimization of Itugha production
4th International Conference and Exhibition on Food Processing & Technology
August 10-12, 2015 London, UK

Onot Obono Ekpe

Posters-Accepted Abstracts: J Food Process Technol


Fermenting Irvingia gabonensis seeds into Itugha considered more nutritious than the raw material from which it is produced
is a traditional technology. Itugha’s quality is usually measured by taste, aroma and flavor. This study aims at using sensory
evaluation for product quality assessment during optimization of microbial fermentation process in the standardization design
of the process flow chart that would ease production, process validation and reproducibility. The in-process monitoring was
carried out under controlled environment by measuring pH, conditioned temperatures, percentage titratable acid and organic
acids throughout the production process. Results indicate that early stage fermentation is caused by Bacillus spp., pH 6-7, 30oC
and at 1.8% acidity of extract; the intermediary stage microbes, Micrococcus spp. and Streptococcus, pH 5.6, 35-38oC and 4.4%
acidity of extract. Late stage, principally under Candida tropicallis DMB 321, pH 4.5-5.1,70oC and 5.4% acidity of extract, citric
acid 2.4% DM, glycolic acid 1.22% DM and oxalic acid 2.98% were quantified. For the Sensory analysis, 9-point Hedonic Scale
was used. Overall acceptability for Like Extremely, 7.5; Like very much, 8.8; Like moderately, 9.00. Ranking was 72. Population
t-test analysis-value was 21.18 and F-value 12.25. Progress of flavor development showed no flavour in the early stage, alcoholic
aroma by the 3rd day (intermediate stage) and stringent spicy aroma by 6th day which became prominent after application
of heat (final stage). Optimization gave the desired sensory attributes that impacted on product quality and the technique
employed in system evaluation for in-process optimization, open-ended method.

Biography :

Onot Obono Ekpe had worked with the State Ministry of Agriculture Directing strategic policy on Food and Nutrition Security. She holds a PhD in Nutrition and Food Science
and has been working as Lecturer at Biochemistry Department of University of Calabar.