Luc Bodiguel, Del Cont C, Di Lauro A, Friant Perrot M, Garde A and Parent G
Posters-Accepted Abstracts: J Food Process Technol
Food safety policy engages many areas of law. Despite their diversity, all these rules are connected by the common thread
of risk. Definitely the question of risk is at the heart of European Union food safety policy with numerous legal provisions
directed to preventing, reducing or at least controlling such risks. In that context, this presentation aims to discuss about three
themes about the relationships between Law and risk: At first, the specific significance of risk governance and risk regulation in
the area of techno food in particular biotechnology and food and nanotechnologies and food; Secondly, the role of Law in the
food safety and nutrition risk prevention, in particular with disorder eating behavior; Finally the legal way to take into account
non trade concerns, like ethic and social consideration, which are linked to food safety and innovation in the food sector. These
different areas of research are studied by the authors of this presentation that are part of an international scientific community
and a common project under the Legal Research Chair in Food Diversity and Security of the University of Laval (Canada). This
chair aims to foster research and the dissemination of legal knowledge on food security with an eye toward developing legal tools
to promote and protect the diversity of farm and food products and production methods.
Luc Bodiguel is Researcher with the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) in Nantes, France. His areas of interest include the CAP, agricultural law, food
law and environmental law, law making process and governance, multi functionality of agriculture and wildlife corridors.