Promoting organic agricultural product in Indonesia
8th International Conference on Food Safety, Quality & Policy
November 27-28, 2017 Dubai, UAE

Sri Hery Susilowati

Indonesian Centre for Agro Socio Economics and Policy Studies, Indonesia

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: J Food Process Technol


Awareness of the dangers posed by the use of synthetic chemicals in agriculture makes organic farming attract attention both at producer and consumer level. Most consumers will choose food that is safe for health and environmentally friendly, thus encouraging the increasing demand for organic products, while the organic farming business in Indonesia has a big and profitable opportunity. However, there are still few farmers producing organic agricultural products. The purpose of this study is to review the status of the development of organic agricultural production in Indonesia, consumer preference for organic products, market prospect and government policy in the development of organic agriculture in Indonesia. This study uses descriptive analysis and tabulation. The development of organic agriculture in Indonesia is still relatively slow, but the interest of farmer on organic farming has grown and increasing demand of organic vegetable in supermarket is one indicator that consumers realized for healthy food. This phenomenon occurs in many regions in Indonesia, especially in big city. However, the development of organic agriculture in Indonesia is still experiencing obstacles such as market constraints, consumer interest and understanding of organic products, certification process that is considered expensive by small farmers, as well as partnership of farmers with entrepreneurs. The strategies needed to improve the development of organic agricultural products in Indonesia include increasing the market opportunities for organic products, both domestically and globally, developing organic certification institutions, strengthening support institutions such as farmer groups, extension workers and marketing institutions.