Kalla F, Aljanahi, M, AlAli O, Jumah, R and AlDarmaki S
United Kingdom
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Aging Sci
The WHO recommends that adults should do at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic physical activity weekly. However, insufficient physical activity contributes to 3.2 million deaths each year (wattanapisit.2016), highlighting the drastic need for identifying the primary reasons for not being physically active, as well as the current level of PA & women’s attitude toward it. Conclusion: Majority of females in our sample were inactive, however most were not only aware of the benefits of PE but actually valued them, as well as enjoyed their exercise sessions. Moreover; despite females citing unsuitable it should be recognized that PE does not have to be limited to space restrains.
Omar Al Ali is from the College of Medicine and also from the University of Sharjah UAE.