Rastija D*1, Loncaric Z1 , Simic D 2 and Kovacevic V1
Posters-Accepted Abstracts: J Food Process Technol
The harmful elements monitoring, particularly Cd, have become important for environmental protection. Critical
concentrations of Cd in plants are between 5 and 10 and in diet of animals between 0.5 and 1 mg Cd kg-1. The tolerable
daily intake of Cd is 1 μg Cd kg-1/body weight, an equivalent to a daily intake of 70 μg Cd for an adult of 70 kg. Concentrations
of Cd in the higher plants normally vary between 0.2 and 3.00 ppm Cd. Very low concentrations of Cd in dry matter of plant
tissues were found under non-polluted environment of the eastern Croatia. With that regard, differences were found in maize
leaves as affected by soil type (averages of ten hybrids) from 0.09 and 0.14 ppm Cd, for acid and neutral soil (pH in 1n KCl 4.10
and 6.81), as well as among genotype from 0.07 to 0.18 ppm Cd. Grain-Cd in maize were considerable lower and below detection
limit (<0.02 ppm Cd). Liming is usual recommend management practice for improvement fertility of acid soils. Beside effects
on yields of crops, liming is useful management practice for decreasing Cd transfer into food chain. In the liming experiment
on Pleternica acid soil, we found in maize leaves (2-year averages) 0.17 and 0. 09 mg Cd kg-1, for the control and averages of
four rates of liming treatments, respectively. Differences were found also between two growing seasons („year“ effects) of the
experiment (0.10 and 0.07 ppm Cd, respectively). Also, considerably impact of liming on decreases of Cd in alfalfa hay was
found (0.113 and 0.047 ppm Cd, for 0 and 20 t ha-1 of lime, respectively).