Plants as source of potential anti-inflammatory agents
Co-organized Event International Conference on Toxicology and Clinical Pharmacology & 2nd International Conference on Generic Drugs and Biosimilars
December 14-16, 2017 Rome, Italy

Esperanza Carcache de Blanco

The Ohio State University College of Pharmacy, USA

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: Clin Exp Pharmacol


Inflammation has been correlated to different diseases, including cancer, diabetes, and neurological disorders. NF-κB is an important target for inflammation and as part of our natural product drug discovery program, we have screened hundreds of tropical plant extracts and compounds that have exhibited significant activity in the NF-κB assay. The assay is used in our lab to evaluate the ability of natural product samples to act as inhibitors of the nuclear factor translocation from the cytoplasm to the nucleus in human cells. Representatives from these different classes of compounds will be presented. Compounds found active in the nanomolar range can be classified into rocaglates, pseudolignans, benzoic acid glycosides, benzofurans, and flavonoids. Compounds found active in the micromolar range belong to the compound classes of: pseudolignans, phenylpropanoids, benzofurans, and sesquiterpene lactones. This presentation summarizes, 7 compounds that have inhibit NF-κB in vitro in the nanomolar range and 16 compounds in the micromolar range. The biodiversity observed among the biologically active plant secondary metabolites that will be presented shows that plants and its secondary metabolites can serve as good leads in the development of new NF-αB inhibitors as potential new drugs, urgently needed for the management of inflammatory diseases.