Violeta Streanga
Grigore T Popa University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Romania
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Neonatal Biol
Thromboembolic disease is an important cause of morbidity and mortality in pediatrics, the incidence of which is increasing, but still underestimated. The most frequently affected age groups are infants and adolescents. Pathogenic factors of thrombogenesis are vascular stasis, endothelial lesions and hypercoagulability. Numerous risk factors are involved in the occurrence of thromboembolism in children: Central venous catheters, shock syndromes, trauma, surgery, immobilization, heart and kidney disease and acquired or hereditary thrombophilia. Among them, the central venous catheters are the most important trigger factor, responsible for over 80% of newborn thromboembolism and over 50% of cases at other ages. Anticoagulation therapy consists of Heparin and Warfarin. Unfractionated heparin, widely used, requires strict monitoring of coagulation parameters and dose adjustment to achieve maximum efficiency and safety. In the last decade, low molecular weight heparins have become increasingly used as a therapeutic alternative for both prophylaxis and treatment of thromboembolism due to their advantages: Superior pharmacokinetics, subcutaneous administration and minimal laboratory monitoring and due to their being well tolerated and effective. Other anticoagulants (Argatroban, Fondaparinux, Bivalirudin) that have been shown to be effective and well tolerated in adults, are being studied for pediatric use.
Violeta Streanga is a teaching assistant at Grigore T Popa University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Iasi, Romania. She is specialized in pediatrics and she has obtained her PhD in Medical Sciences in 2005, her field of interests being, at the time, the disturbances of the cardiac rhythm in children. She also works as a General Pediatrician in the Acute Care Department of the St. Mary Emergency Children Hospital from Iasi. Her main research interests are now emergency and intensive care in children and general pediatrics, which are also the main themes of her publications and co-authorships in scientific articles, textbooks and monographs.