Agata Jankowska
Pomeranian Medical University in Szczecin, Poland
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Neonatal Biol
Introduction: Persistent ductus arteriosus (PDA) constitutes 5-20% of all inborn heart defects. In preterms born with body weight < 1000 g is present even in 80%. Fast diagnosis and treatment of hemodynamically significant PDA (hsPDA) allows avoiding many complications. In pharmacological treatment of hsPDA conventionally inhibitors of cyclooxygenase (COX) are used but they may cause many side effects. That is why alternative methods are investigated. One of them is the use of paracetamol. Aim: The aim of our study was to assess the effectiveness of paracetamol treatment for hsPDA in preterm neonates. Material & Methods: The study was performed on 10 preterm neonates, with hsPDA confirmed by echocardiography. 2 neonates were excluded from the study. In diagnosis, we considered the width of arterial duct and clinical status of the patient. Paracetamol treatment was started after the cardiological confirmation of hsPDA, intravenously in dose of 15 mg/kg every 6 hours during 5 days +/- 2 days. In none of the patients included in our study side effects were observed. Results: The effectiveness of the treatment was verified by controlled echocardiography. Effective treatment with paracetamol was observed in 62% of studied neonates. In two of the remaining neonates treatment with ibuprofen was initiated but the therapy failed. In one, contraindications of COX inhibitors treatment were performed. Eventually surgical ligation was performed in 3 of them. Conclusions: Paracetamol can be considered as an effective alternative method of treatment of hsPDA compared to ibuprofen.
Agata Jankowska has completed her studies from Pomeranian Medical University and Post-doctoral studies from Department of Pediatric Endocrinology and Metabolic Disease. She is working in Neonatal Department since 2013. Recently, she has successfully accomplished her specialization in Neonatology. She is deeply involved in hemodynamic problems of preterm neonates. She has published more than 16 papers and had several oral presentations on endocrinology as well as in neonatology field.