Majd Hasanin
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Oral Health Dent Manag
In recent times, both the incidence of and death rate from oral cancers have decreased significantly because of public preventive measures, early detection techniques and enhanced knowledge of clinical signs and symptoms of the disease. Oral cancer (OC) is the eleventh most common cancer in the world, with approximately 389, 000 new oral cancer cases per year, two-thirds of which occur in developing countries. Awareness is the key to prevention. Clinicians should think of prevention in two ways: early detection and the opportunity to identify and treat premalignant lesions. Accordingly health care practitioners (HCP) have a major responsibility in the prevention and early detection of oral cancer, which is why an adequate training in this area will positively enhance the practitioner?s accountability towards their patients. Dentists can detect it earlier than any other practitioner, meaning clinicians should think of prevention in two ways; early detection; and the opportunity to identify and treat pre-malignant lesions. Routine oral cancer screening has proven to decrease the mortality rate by as much as 25%. The presentation exhibits the fate of patients with different diagnostic scenarios, who were under the care of orthodontists and general dental practitioners. Finally it raises and emphasizes the importance of routine oral-cancer screening.
Hasanin completed her Bachelor?s Degree in Dental Surgery with first-honor distinction from Riyadh Colleges of Dentistry and Pharmacy in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia at the year of 2012. She worked as a teaching assistant immediately after graduation in the same university she graduated from, in addition to the private practice she was working in. Dr. Hasanin organized many events and volunteer work in Saudi Arabia where Oral-cancer prevention and awareness has been one of her main goals and longterm concerns. She published couple of papers and participated in several posters and oral presentations worldwide. Currently she is a first-year postgraduate orthodontics student enrolled in the European University College (formerly Nicolas Asp University College) in Dubai, UAE.