Andres M Tuates Jr, Shiela Marie A Villota, Aillen R Ligisan and Ofero A Caparino
Posters-Accepted Abstracts: J Food Process Technol
Parboiling is a hydro thermal treatment of paddy before milling. It consists of three steps: 1) Soaking of rough rice, 2) steaming
of soaked rice and 3) drying of steamed rice. Parboiling changes the physical and chemical modifications in the grain, fills the
void spaces and cements the cracks inside the endosperm making the grain harder, hence, minimizing internal fissure and breakage
during milling. Eleven (11) rice sample varieties namely: NSIC:Rc 118 (V1), NSIC:Rc 254H (V2), NSIC 238 (V3), Selection 64
(V4), Rc 158 (V5), 75 days (V6), NSIC 216 (V7), Japonica (V8), Rc 18 (V9), PHB 77 (V10) and Rc 218 (V11) were collected from
four (4) provinces of Agusan del Sur, North Cotabato, Palawan and Orriental Mindoro. Three soaking temperature settings (40oC,
50oC, 60oC) and three (3) soaking time (1 hour, 2 hours, 3 hours) were applied followed by steaming at 121° C for 5 minutes using
autoclave. The parboiled rice was dried to a mositure content of 14% (wb) before milling. The physical qualities of parboiled rice
kernel wereevaluated in terms of milling recovery, percent head rice and whiteness. Results showed that the quality of parboiled rice
was significantly affected by the parboiling process such as soaking temperature and exposure time. The suitable soaking temperature
and time of the selected rice varieties to obtain the highest milling and head rice recovery were as follows: V1 (60o C @ 3 hours); V2
(60o C @ 2 hours), V3 (60o C @ 2 hours); V4 (60o C @ 3 hours); V5 (60o C @ 3 hours); V6 (60o C @ 3 hours); V7 (60o C @ 3 hours);
V8 (60o C @ 3 hours); V9 (60o C @ 2 hours); V10 (60o C @ 2 hours) and V11 (60o C @ 3 hours). Through parboiling process, the
milling and head rice recovery of selected rice varieties significantly increased (P<0.05) from 73.24% to 78.64% and 79.13% to 99.54%,
respectively. However, a slight decrease in the whiteness value from 70.56 to 59.70 was observed. Assuming that twenty percent (20%)
of the country’s rice production in 2013 of 18.4 M MT goes to parboiling, the industry can generate an additional income of about
?17 billion, a substantial amount that could contribute in minimizing our rice importation. Establishment of a parboiling plant in
strategic locations is recommended to help the country in attaining self-sufficiency in rice.