Nikola Pacinovski*1, Gordana Dimitrovska2, Ljupco Kocoski2, Goce Cilev3, Mirjana Menkovska1, Biljana Petrovska3 and Apostol Pacinovski4
Posters-Accepted Abstracts: J Food Process Technol
With certain exceptions, goat milk is similar to sheep and cow milk, as well as with human population milk by its
composition, traits and biological and energetic value. In relation to some parameters goat milk has more advantages
than these other types of milk. Due to its specific composition, milk is used in the production of variety of cheese and different
types of milk drinks. Western Europe produces reputable types of goat cheese which reach significantly higher price than cow
cheese. Mediterranean and Middle Eastern countries have a tradition for regular usage of drinks made of fresh or processed goat
milk in people’s diet. Due to the goat’s ability to transform carotene into vitamin A, the fat in goat milk has exceptionally white
color. Goat milk fat drops are smaller and more evenly distributed, allowing faster and easier digestion in human organisms.
This is the reason why people with digestive problems prefer consuming goat milk. Fat in goat milk contains large amount of
caprylic and caproic acids. According to literature data a few of these acids are in free form, contributing specific odour and
flavor of goat milk. Many researches characterize goat milk as a drink for convalescent but also as basic detoxifier of human
organism. This work attempts to present nutritive value of goat milk and the advantage in relation to other types of milk (cow,
sheep and human milk).
Nikola Pacinovski was born on 29.07.1969, in Gevgelia, Macedonia. He finished secondary and high school (Biotechnology) in Gevgelia. In the year of 1988/89 he enrolled
the Faculty of Agriculture in Skopje, Department of Animal Husbandry, where he graduated in 1994. After graduation, he was employed at the Institute of Animal Science in
Skopje, on 01.11.1995, as Junior Assistant. In the 1995/1996 he enrolled post-graduate studies, Group of ruminants, and passed the exams with an average grade of 9.80.
On 26.12.2000, he defended his MSc thesis titled „Comparative investigations on growth and carcass quality of lambs of Domestic merinized sheep and its crossbreeds
with the Chios and Sardinia breed”, submitted to the Faculty of Agriculture in Skopje, and acquired the academic title Master of Agriculture Sciences.