Joungboon Hwang, Jin-Chul Kim, Hyungsil Moon, Woo-Young Jung, Jinhong Kim, Ji-Yeon Yang, Byunggwon Jeon, Jin-Suk Kim and Meekyung Kim
Posters-Accepted Abstracts: J Food Process Technol
Sodium is a major component that maintains homeostasis and physiological state in a human body. It is an essential mineral
that has to supply from the outside of human body. However, overindulgence is one cause of hypertension, stroke, stomach
cancer, osteoporosis, or kidney disease. This monitoring was performed to collect data of sodium contents in Korean traditional
foods preserved with salt in order to use the data in reducing plan of sodium intakes. Sodium was determined from the sample
of 144 Kimchi with 4 items and of 60 Jeotgal (pickled fish) with 5 items using microwave digestion and atomic absorption
spectrophotometry. A coefficient of determination, r2 was over 0.999 with the standard concentrations ranged from 1.0 to
10.0μ/mL. LOD and LOQ were 6.9μ/L and 21.1μ/L, respectively. The results of this study will provide sodium intakes through
typical Korean side dishes to establish a nutrition policy of an adequate dietary of sodium for public.
Joungboon Hwang has completed her Master’s Degree at KyungHee University and worked for 2 years at Doping Control Center, Korea Institute of Science and
Technology. She has been working at Daejeon Regional Food and Drug Administration as a food analyst.