Improving the DHA content of ready to feed infant foods in the UK
5th Euro-Global Summit and Expo on Food & Beverages
June 16-18, 2015 Alicante, Spain

Sharon Thompson

Posters-Accepted Abstracts: J Food Process Technol


The omega 3 fatty acid DHA (22:6 n3) is important for visual and brain development in infants. Previous work has shown that an infant?s diet, which includes the consumption of commercial ready to feed infant foods in the UK, does not meet the requirements for DHA. In order to address this issue, fortification of infant foods with DHA has been explored. Fish oil has been encapsulated using HPMCAS, a water insoluble polymer, to ensure the integrity of the fish oil within the food matrix. Furthermore the microencapsulation of fish oil will protect against oxidation, therefore offering better palatability of the product by masking the odour and taste of the fish oil.

Biography :

Sharon Thompson completed her undergraduate in Human Nutrition at the University of Greenwich, UK in 2013, where she was awarded a 1st class honours degree. She is now a VC scholarship PhD student within the Faculty of Engineering and Science at the University of Greenwich. Her project involves looking at the formulation and optimisation of processing conditions for the development of nutritionally superior food products.