Danica Andreevska*1, Dobre Andov1, Mirjana Menkovska2, Emilija Simeonovska1and Trajce Dimitrovski1
Posters-Accepted Abstracts: J Food Process Technol
This paper presents the results of head rice yield research of rice varieties and genotypes grown in the Republic of Macedonia,
conducted within the period 2009-2014. In total sixteen varieties and five genotypes were included, of which three
Macedonian varieties (Biser 2, Prima riska and Montesa), three introduced Italian varieties, the most widely used in Macedonian
rice production (Monticelli, R-76/6 and San Andrea), five newly introduced Italian varieties (Bianca, Galileo, Brio, Ellebi and
Opale), five newly introduced Turkish varieties (Kiziltan, Gala, Halilbey, Gönen and Pasali) and five newly bred Macedonian
rice genotypes (P1 x M, P2 x M, P x MM, MBL x M and MBL x MM). Laboratory milling was performed on a paddy quality
testing machine to determine the head rice yield and byproducts of milling: brokens, brans and husks. According to the results,
the highest head rice yield (percent of whole grains after milling rough rice kernels) of the domestic varieties was achieved in
Biser-2 (54.01%), while the lowest was in Prima riska (49.38%). The highest head rice yield of the prevalent Italian varieties was
59,68% (Monticelli) ant the lowest one was 43.35% (San Andrea). Regarding the newly introduced Italian varieties, the values
for the head rice yield were from 35.4% (Galileo) to 64.46% (Ellebi). Among Turkish varieties, Kiziltan showed the highest head
rice yield (62,67%) and Gönen the lowest (43.34%). In the newly bred Macedonian rice genotypes, the head rice yield was from
55.60% (P1 x M) to 63.77% (P x MM). The percentage of brokens, bran and hulls in all investigated varieties and genotypes
varied in different years of production
Danica Andreevska, PhD Full Professor was born 08.09 1956, in Kocani. Elementary and Secondary Education (high school) in Kocani, graduate studies 1975-1979
(Natural Sciences and Mathematics Faculty, Department of Biology). Master studies (MSci in ,1986, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics in Skopje, subject:
biochemical-physiological group of Biology) and Doctoral studies (PhD in 2000, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics in Skopje subject: mineral nutrition in rice).
From 1981-1999 works in the Institute for rice in Kocani and from September 1999 today works in the Department of Soil science and agricultural chemistry at the Institute
of Agriculture in Skopje, Department of rice in Kocani. The title of Full Professor is selected in 2011. Prof. Andreevska teaching of postgraduate studies in Program of
Plant Production: Subprogram- Seed production of crops and vegitable plants and Integrated and Organic production: Physiology and plant nutrition; Plant Ecology and
Organic production of cereal crops. Prof. Andreevska is co-author of two newly created domestic rice varieties- prima riska and montesa . As a result of current scientific
and professional activity has published many professional and scientific papers (above 70). In the period of employment to date, as a project participant (co-researcher) or
as a project coordinator was engaged in scientific research teams in several research projects and programs (21).