Lourdes Maria Pessoa Masson
Posters-Accepted Abstracts: J Food Process Technol
Mayonnaise is a food product vulnerable to lipid oxidation requiring the addition of antioxidant in its formulation. Synthetic
antioxidants are used such as Butyl-hydroxy-toluene (BHT). Nowadays, there is a tendency for preferential use of natural
antioxidants such as oregano essential oil (OEO). The objectives of this work were to evaluate the flow behavior and the mechanical
spectrum of a commercial product and three mayonnaise formulations prepared at a laboratory level: No antioxidant added (MB),
BHT (MBHT) and OEO (MOEO) added in order to compare the rheology due to the replacement of BHT by OEO in the formulation.
They were formulated and kept under refrigeration (4° C) until analysis. A Rotational Rheometer (AP/MCR-302) was used for the
tests at a stationary condition. Flow behavior curves for all samples were observed at oscillatory condition, were evaluated parameters
such as storage modulus (G’) and loss modulus (G”). Preliminary results showed Bingham behavior as expected with τ0 value varying
between 140 to 170 Pa. The beginning values for apparent viscosity of MB, MBHT and MOEO samples were 170; 160 and 140 Pa.s and
the final values 2, 0; 0, 5 and 0, 4 Pa.s respectively. The mechanical spectra showed for the three mayonnaise formulations G’ always
higher than G” until 10% strain. It could be observed for commercial and MB samples a crossover around 20 and 15 Hz respectively.
It was observed that the addition of BHT and OEO similarly modified the rheological behavior of the MB sample when used the same
concentrations of the two antioxidants.