Indu Bharti
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Food Process Technol
Flavonoid compounds are common dietary bioactive compounds found in fruits, vegetables and cereals having antioxidant, anticancer and antimicrobial properties. The flavonoid are now in recent trend because of their various beneficial effects on health by decreasing the risk of diseases such as heart disease (by inhibiting the oxidation of low density proteins), cancer, cerberovascular, neurodegenerative disease etc. More than 4000 varieties of flavonoid have been identified, many of which are responsible for the attractive colors of flowers, fruit and leaves. The association between the flavonoid intake and the long term effects on mortality was studied subsequently and also suggested that the flavonoid intake is inversely correlated with mortality due to coronary heart disease. There are various methods of determination of flavonoid have been reported including thin layer chromatography, high performance liquid chromatography, capillary electrophoresis and spectrophotometry. The rapid growth in the use of flavonoid in neutraceuticals and functional food requires that the food and pharmaceuticals industries face new challenges ; in addressing worldwide public concern over the efficacy and safety of supplements and foods claimed to the health promoting, manufacturing of foods ,government regulations related to safety, labeling and health claims for product that contain flavonoid.