Mohammed H. Moghadasian
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Food Process Technol
Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is a chronic systemic inflammatory disease of unknown etiology affecting both articular tissues and extra articular organs. The disease is often progressive and results in pain, stiffness, and swelling of joints. In India, restriction of sour foods is commonly followed by RA patients. But, there is little information available on the specific dietary practices of RA patients and scientific basis for the same. Hence, the present study aimed at eliciting information on food sensitivities of Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) patients and assessing the scientific basis for proinflammatory effect of selected foods. 100 RA patients were interviewed regarding their food sensitivities emphasizing on pro and anti inflammatory effect of foods. 58% of the patients believed in the proinflammatory effect of certain foods. Majority of them (56.8%) experienced joint pain upon consumption of sour foods including curds, tomato and tamarind. Brinjal, potato and red meat were also reported as proinflammatory foods by few participants. However, very few patients believed in the anti-inflammatory effect of foods. Based upon the frequency of reporting, tamarind, potato, brinjal, curds, tomato, Indian gooseberry, mango, orange and sweet lime were selected and qualitatively analyzed for lectins which are considered to be potential inflammatory constituents, using phosphate buffered saline and tested for their Hemagglutination (HA) activity in rabbit blood. Lectins in all nine food samples exhibited Hemagglutination (HA) activity towards rabbit erythrocytes. Thus the study showed presence of lectins in selected foods reported as proinflammatory by the participants that might be aggravating inflammation of joints upon consumption.
Subhadra Mandalika is working as a Reader Designate in the Department of Foods, Nutrition & Dietetics of College of Home Science, Nirmala Niketan, affiliated to the University of Mumbai. She has got 18 years of teaching and 15 years of research experience and obtained a patency. She has published around 25 research papers in reputed peer reviewed journals and co-ordinated 3 research projects funded by UGC & DAE/BRNS. She has presented several research papers in national and international conferences. She is also a recognized Ph.D. guide by the University of Mumbai and a Ph.D. referee for other reputed universities.