Endodontic treatment at the German Military Hospital in Hamburg - Indications and limitations for generalists
24th International Conference and Exhibition on Dentistry & Oral Health
April 17-19, 2017 Dubai, UAE

Andreas Simka

German Military Hospital Hamburg, Germany

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Oral Health Dent Manag


Over the past 20 years, endodontic treatments have been performed at steady rates, while the number of surgical interventions, such as resection of the apical root, has decreased. This is at least in part due to constant improvements in technical and educational standards. Fractured instruments or open apices require generalists to have strategies in place both for handling such difficult situations, as well as, for coping with unforeseen events. Besides specialist hardware such as ultrasonic or surgical microscopes, extensive training and experience are required to cope with complex endodontic situations. Many generalists are not willing to invest the time and money needed to learn these techniques, but rather refer such patients to endodontic specialists. The success of endodontic treatment depends on proper elimination of the bacterial load within the root canal system. Several factors influence the outcome of treatment. The choice of obturation technique is one such factor, besides the removal of root canal fillings or necrotic structures, shaping, cleaning and decontamination. Thermoplastic obturation is a very complex technique that ensures complete and tight filling of the root canal system. Compared with other available obturation techniques, thermoplastic obturation takes more time to master. Generalists also have to consider economic factors such as the cost of equipment. Nevertheless, there are several situations in which thermoplastic obturation is the only appropriate obturation technique. However, there are currently no guidelines that would help generalists decide when to use which specialist endodontic technique. By presenting a range of specific endodontic cases, I will highlight the benefits of the thermoplastic obturation technique, but also take a critical view of the limitations of endodontic treatment by a generalist.

Biography :

Andreas Simka studied in Ulm and has been working as a Dentist since 2008 in several dental institutions. Currently, he practices in the German Military Hospital, Hamburg. Since 2002, he has been serving in the German Armed Forces and joined the mission abroad “ATALANTA” in 2014. As a Generalist, he has set his main focus on Periodontics and Endodontics, in which he aims to get specialized.

Email: A.Simka@gmx.de