Park Bo-Ram
Posters-Accepted Abstracts: J Food Process Technol
This study was conducted to investigate the effect of different steaming condition and drying temperature condition on
physicochemical characteristics of pumpkin powder. All samples were steamed at 100oC for 30 sec or 60 sec and then were
drying temperature using hot air 40, 50, 60 and 70oC. The moisture content was decreased as drying temperature increased with
hot-air drying. Sugar content and yield were increased as drying temperature increased with hot-air drying. Color values were L, a
and b values of pumpkin powder decreased. Steamed at 60 sec were drying temperature increased pumpkin powders had the highest
water absorption index (WAI) while drying temperature had the highest water solubility index (WSI). The carotenoid contents of
pumpkin powder was steaming and drying temperature increased, carotenoid was mostly destroyed. The contents of total sugar and
reducing sugar were increased as steaming and drying temperature increased. These results indicate that steaming and dehydration
temperature condition were affecting factor on physicochemical characteristics of pumpkin powder.
Park Bo-ram has graduated Master Degree from Chon-nam National University School of Food Nutrition. She is the Researcher of National Academy of Agricultural
Science, Dept. Agro-food Resource; National agricultural Research Institute in Korea. She has published 5 papers.