Dehydration characteristics of green leafy vegetables

Abhay Patwa, Sagar V, Waghray Kavita and N Swetha

Osmania University, India

: J Food Process Technol


BiotechnologyGreen Leafy Vegetables (GLV) constitutes the treasure trove of nutrients in addition to being cheap and easily available. Dehydration of GLVâ??s concentrates nutrients, thus providing nutridense food. Hence an investigation was done with the objective to asses the effect of different drying methods (Sun drying, Microwave drying and cabinet drying) on the GLVâ??s. Five types of locally consumed GLVâ??s, (Murraya koenigii, Coriandrum sativum, Spinacia oleracea, Peucedanum graveolens, Trigonella foenum graecum) were selected. Dehydration protocol was assessed employing different methods of dehydration. Comparing the dying time and drying rate of the samples it was observed that Microwave drying was superior. Dehydrated curry leaves scored highest in terms of drying rate and rehydration ratio among the selected GLVâ??s.

Biography :

Myself, Abhay Patwa, pursuing my B.Tech (III/IV, 2nd Semesters) in Food Processing Technology, Food Technology Dept, from University College of Technology (A), Osmania University, Hyderabad, A.P