Athletes and the importance of sport nutrition
Satellite Symposium for Euro Global Summit & Medicare Expo on Weight Loss
August 18-20, 2015 Frankfurt, Germany

Angel Panovski

Univeristy of Bitola, Macedonia

Satellite Symposium-Abstracts: J Nutr Disorders Ther


There are many books and scientific papers in the world, but there is not a single diet or exercise treatment that can be common denominator and not a single formula for everyone�??s health. Nutrition has been linked to performance and health far back in ancient Greece where Hippocrates said �??If we could give every individual the right amount of nourishment and exercise, not too little and not too much, we would have found the safest way to health�?�. Therefore today we are striving on getting the best nutrition to make the best performance we can with our body and mind. What athletes should eat and how much of macro and micro elements should contain the meal is not a subject of unification but it will depend on the athlete�??s sport, the amount and type of training. The nutritional education of the athletes is also very important but the fact of their knowledge stays marginal compared with the growing awareness for proper nutrition. The need of real education about sports nutrition is more than urgent for all of the athletes, sport associates, coaches, sport recreationists and everyone involved in the sport for best performance and best health.

Biography :

Angel Panovski is a Graduate student at the Faculty of Technical and Technological Sciences – Veles at the Department of Food Technology and Human Nutrition. He and his female colleague presented a scientific paper at the first international conference in Macedonia for nutrition, public health and food technology in November 2014. Angel have more than 10 years’ experience in various sports as well as in the fitness industry. This will be his second international presentation.