Azizeh Rezaei, Asghar Khosrowshahi, Hassan Malekinejad and ShahinZomorodi
Accepted Abstracts: J Food Process Technol
Dairy foods are the most nutritious and most essential. In recent years, consumers are more important to health and they are looking for functional properties of food with higher nutritional value. Response surface methodology was employed to investigate the combined effects of addition of sodium caseinate (0?4%), peppermint extract (0-0.2 %) and cold storage on functional and antioxidant activity of nonfat-set yogurt. The second-order polynomial model was fitted to the physico chemical properties of runs as the responses. Analysis of variance revealed that the quadratic models are well adjusted to predict the experimental data. The results showed that addition of sodium caseiante had significant effect on pH, acidity, synersis and L.Casei counts (P<0.05) and also addition of peppermint extract showed significant effect on pH, acidity and L.Casei counts (P<0.05). cold storage had significant effect on pH, acidity, synersis, probiotic count and antioxidant activity (P<0.05). These factor had no significant effect on sensory properties.
Emad has completed his MSc at age 26 years in the Food Sciences and Biotechnology Department / University of Basrah, Republic of Iraq. He has worked in dairy industry field since 1987 until yet through employing in the Iraqi Ministry of Industry and Minerals .He has accepted in the University of Plymouth in United Kingdom at 2009 to completing his PhD degree in Biology (Dairy Technology) .He has published some papers in the field of dairy and environment. Currently, he is studying the application of probiotic bacteria strains to soft cheese.