Giancarlo Scalabrelli1, Annita Toffanin1, Stefania Frassinetti2 and Aurelio Visconti3
Posters-Accepted Abstracts: J Food Process Technol
The interest aroused by consumers stimulated the development of an experimental project to produce a seasoning named
“Agresto” in the specific area of Amiata Mountain with the aim of affirming the territorial specificities of a natural product
derived from unripe grapes obtained from local grapevine varieties to enhance their use in gastronomy. With this project, we
intended to adopt several strategies in the vineyard and in processing in order to obtain a final product from grapes cultivated
by “organic farming” having sensory characteristics suitable for various types of dish combinations. For this purpose were
chosen local varieties grown in the ampelographic collection located in Cinigiano (Gr) and the hybrid ‘Isabella’ from which were
obtained three experimental Agresto. In several years (from 2010 to 2014) was also produced from ‘Sangiovese’ the “Traditional
Agresto” according to an ancient recipe. The variety ‘Isabella’ is grown sporadically without pesticide treatments while the
other varieties were cultivated according to the organic farming method. Moreover the Agresto is produced without alcoholic
fermentation, so as the final product is free from methyl alcohol. The goal is to get to the production of a unique and genuine
seasoning through natural methods and without preservatives. The main composition of different Agresto produced was
determined as well as antioxidant activity and microbial analysis. Interesting sensory profiles were obtained using a parametric
sheet specially adapted to this type of product. The traditional Agresto currently marketed in very modest amounts remains a
niche product particularly required by Tuscany kitchen. It is believed that its use will expand providing more opportunities for
the productive sector.
Giancarlo Scalabrelli is Full Professor of Viticulture at the Department of Agriculture Food and Environment of Pisa University. From 2003 to 2007, he was the President of
the first level of the Degree in Viticulture and Oenology, of which is now Vice-President. He taught Growth Regulators and Viticulture and was a Member of the Doctorate
school of Science of Production and Protection of woody species and teacher of Master on Oil, Viticulture and Economy. He is the scientific fellow of several research
projects and coordinator of international and national projects dealing with viticulture research. He is the Co-author of the project “A Universal Vitis database”.