Anila Karim and Soniya Amin
Aga Khan University Hospital School of Nursing and Midwifery, Pakistan
Posters & Accepted Abstracts: J Gerontol Geriatr Res
Introduction: "Aging is not lost youth but a new stage of opportunity and strength???. (Betty friedan, 2018). Yoga: Yoga
is a physical, mental and spiritual practice that aims to join mind, body and spirit. (Betty friedan, 2018).
Background: Many studies have proved that old age causes worsening of physical and mental health, as well
deteriorates the immune system. Non communicable diseases not only worsen the quality of life but also augment
the possibility of dependency among older people as these are associated with pain, impaired mobility, fatigue etc
(Hariprasad et al., 2013).
Purpose: This paper enhances the association of yoga as therapeutic exercise on the physical, mental and emotional
wellbeing of elderly clients. The primary purpose of yoga is to endorse not only health and self-awareness but to also
generate a link between the mind, body and soul.
Method: Different research articles were reviewed to identify the effects of yoga on physical, mental, and emotional
well-being of elderly. The Google search engine and Aku e-library were used for searching the articles. Golden
Alliance group in Ismaili center Dubai was choosen as practicum setting, where target population were older
adults age 65 and above. Data collection sheets and questionnaires were used to collect data. Several problems were
identified like knee pain, body aches, constipation, lack of exercise, insomnia, and depression etc.
Results: Most of the studies highlighted that yoga has many positive effects on life of elderly clients. Moreover, it
also revealed that there is a strong association of yoga which decreases the effects on physical, emotional and mental
Conclusion: Studies yield that there is strong relationship between aging and yoga. Some studies are in favor that
Yoga plays positive role to decrease physical and mental symptoms at old age.