Adelodun L. Kolapo, Gabriel R. Oladimeji, Austin I. Ifejika, Ohenhen E. Osakwe, Iyiola R. Eyitayo and Adebanke O. Oyelakin
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Food Process Technol
Defatted ground nut, soybean and palm kernel cakes were stored for three months at ambient, refrigeration and display conditions. Samples were assayed for nutritive, aflatoxins and microbiological properties. Proximate parameters significantly (p<0.05) reduced with storage. Mineral composition reductions of 3.0-35.00%, 1.2-18.75% and 6.2-64.25% were observed for ambient, refrigeration and display condition storage respectively. There was a significant (p<0.05) increase in both bacterial and fungal counts with increased storage duration. Aflatoxin B1 contents of 21.65-49.26, 14.57-27.24 and 29.14-61.32 μg/kg were detected in cakes stored at room, refrigeration and display condition respectively while the Aflatoxin B2 contents were 9.85-14.13, 3.24-10.02 and 12.96-17.04 μg/kg respectively. Proper storage/handling of feed ingredients should form a core component of Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) of feed production in tropical countries. The regulatory agencies in these countries should enforce a revised GMP in order to guarantee a more healthy and productive populace.
Kolapo A.L. has completed his Ph.D at the age of 42 years from The Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta. Nigeria. He has published more than 31 papers in reputed journals and serving as an editorial board member of repute.