Advances in functional food packaging technology
5th Euro-Global Summit and Expo on Food & Beverages
June 16-18, 2015 Alicante, Spain

Kirtiraj Kundlik Gaikwad

Posters-Accepted Abstracts: J Food Process Technol


Basic functions of packaging are to contain and protect foods from the external environment for convenience and to communicate information to consumers about the food inside the package. However, unlike traditional packaging, active packaging is designed to interact with the contents and/or the surrounding environment. It involves an interaction between the package films itself or sachet with internal gas atmosphere and the food. Most important active packaging concepts are oxygen and ethylene scavenging, carbon dioxide scavenger and emitters, moisture absorber/regulators, antimicrobial packaging concepts, antioxidant release, release or absorption of flavors and odors. The scavengers and emitters can be in sachet form or incorporated in the film with suitable initiators. Intelligent packaging monitors the condition of packaged food or the environment by providing information about different factors during transportation and storage. Intelligent packaging includes time-temperature indicators, gas detectors and freshness indicators. Nano-materials enable the development of better and new active and intelligent packaging. Such packaging improves freshness, shelf-life of food and allows monitoring from production to consumption.