Thomas T Y Wang
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Food Process Technol
Fermented food has existed since the dawn of human civilization and in many cultures worldwide. There are a wide variety
of food materials used for fermented food including milk, legumes, fruit and vegetables. More importantly, several healthpromoting
properties often ascribed to fermented foods include the prevention of cancers and cardiovascular disease. As with
other health promoting foods, the precise components and mechanisms by which fermented food promotes health remain
elusive. Existing literature suggests that the mechanisms by which fermented food exerts its health- promoting effects may
be complex and multiple cellular pathways may be associated with their health-promoting effects. Some effects may include:
modulation of gut microbiomes, inflammation, hormone and cytokines pathways, and xenobiotic metabolism pathways. Also,
regulation can be through genetic and/or epigenetic mechanisms. Additionally, individual differences may influence healthpromoting
efficacies of fermented foods. Future research should include dissecting specific active components, identifying
specific mechanisms and identifying whom will benefit.
Thomas T Y Wang received his PhD from University of California, Davis and conducted Postdoctoral studies at Purdue University. He is currently serving as
Research Leader (RL) in the Diet, Genomics, and Immunology Laboratory (DGIL), Beltsville Human Nutrition Research Center (BHNRC), Beltsville, MD. He has
published more than 80 papers in peer-review journals and serving as Editorial Board Member of journals.