Editorial Board

K.N. Bhatt, PhD
Professor, Economics
University of Allahabad, G.B. Pant Social Science Institute, Allahabad, India

Dr. Suleiman Iguda Ladan
Department of Basic Applied Sciences, College of Science an dTechnology, Hassan usman katsina polytechnic
Katsina, Nigeria

Nodira Latipova
Associate Professor of Sociology Department, Faculty of Social Sciences
National University of Uzbekistan,

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Table of Contents

Welcome to the Journal

Global Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences (GJISS) is a peer-reviewed International research journal published online. This journal offers a platform for scholars, academicians, professionals and students, to contribute interdisciplinary research from across the fields within the social sciences including, but not limited to : Anthropology, Arts & culture, Communication studies, Criminology, Cross-cultural studies in Demography, Economics, Education, English, Ethics, Geography, History, International relations, Law, Library science, Linguistics, Literature, Media studies, Political science, Psychology, Public administration, Sociology & Philosophy. The journal offers a global platform for the academia to elevate their scholarly image internationally as it reaches a wide spectrum of readers globally. Researchers can also ripe the benefit of enriching their studies by submitting manuscripts to the editorial board of this journal, which comprises scholars with proven abilities and established research track record. All the manuscripts are subjected to rigorous single blind peer review to ensure quality prior to its publication. Authors’ scholarly work undergoes critical scrutiny by experts in the same subject to assess its scientific validity, relevance and accuracy. Articles will be accepted for publication upon getting the final approval from the editorial board members. The journal supports open access publishing model to maximize the visibility of the published research. The Editorial Manager System of the journal allows authors to submit manuscripts, track its status and respond to reviewers’ comments and revision requests. This multipurpose tool allows editors and reviewers to get access to the manuscript for review and to communicate with author.

Global Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences (GJISS) is indexed by Cite Factor, CROSSREF, Index Copernicus, JournalTOC, SJIF and Worldcat .

The manuscript can be submitted via Online Submission System or as an attachment via E-mail: editorialoffice@walshmedicalmedia.com


Articles published in Global Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. Global Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences has got h-index 16 , which means every article in Global Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences has got 16 average citations.

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