Vladimir Anisimov

Vladimir Anisimov

Vladimir Anisimov, Ph.D
Laboratory of Carcinogenesis and Aging N.N.Petrov Research Institute of Oncology, Russia


Dr.  Vladimir N.  Anisimov, Head,   Department  of Carcinogenesis and Oncogerontology,  N.N. Petrov  Research  Institute  of  Oncology, St.-Petersburg Russia, was born December 7,  1945. Education and academic degree:  1968 -  M.D., 1st I.P.Pavlov Medical Institute,  Leningrad;   1972 -  Ph.D. in Oncology, 1984 -  D.Sc. in Oncology, 1996 -  Professor in Oncology;  1996 -  Member of The Russian Academy of Natural Sciences. Member of several Russian and International scientific societies, since 1994 – President of the Gerontological Society of The Russian Academy of Sciences. Member of Editorial board of the journals:  – Editor-in-Chief of Advances in Gerontology (St.Petersburg) and a member of editorial board of a number of international journals. More 650 scientific publications (19 monographs, more 400 scientific papers in international and Russian journals, approx. 200 abstracts, book reviews, etc.), 4 inventions, 2 patents.

Research Interest

Relationship between aging and carcinogenesis,
The role of pineal gland in cancer and aging;
The role of GH/insulin/IGF-1 system in cancer and aging