Tauseef Gulrez

Tauseef Gulrez

Tauseef Gulrez
Department of Computing
Macquarie University, Australia


Tauseef Gulrez received the Masters by research degree in Computer Systems Engineering in year 2005 from University of Technology, Sydney, Australia. He has minored in Neuro-Engineering as a pre-doctoral fellow from Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, Northwestern University, IL, USA, in 2006. In 2008, he received the Ph.D in Robotics and Computer Science from Department of Computing, Faculty of Science, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia. He was a postdoctoral researcher at Mechatronics and Haptic Interface Lab, School of Engineering, Rice University, TX, USA and Learning and Affect Technologies, The University of Sydney, Australia. Currently he is a researcher, in Virtual and Interactive Simulations of Reality (ViSOR) Lab, Department of Computing, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia. His main research interests include neuro-robotics, adaptive intelligent robotic interfaces and virtual reality systems. He is an author of a book, has published several papers, contributed to international conferences as a track chair and serving on review committee of several robotics journals.

Research Interest

Robotics, adaptive intelligent robotic interfaces, body machine interfaces and physiological data analysis.