Tatsuo Oyama

Tatsuo Oyama

Tatsuo Oyama
Professor, Vice President and Dean, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies


Dr. Oyama obtained Bachelor of Science and Master of Science degrees from College of Engineering of the University of Tokyo in Japan in 1969 and 1971, respectively. He was given degree of Ph.D from School of Operations Research and Industrial Engineering (ORIE) in the College of Engineering of Cornell University in 1977. He worked for the Economic Research Institute of the Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry in Japan as a researcher from 1971 to 1980. Then he taught at the Department of Arts and Science, and Graduate School of Policy Science in Saitama University as Assistant Professor in 1980-81, Associate Professor in 1981-1988 and Professor in 1988-1997. He has been teaching as a Professor at the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS) since 1997. He has been Dean since April, 2000 and Vice President since June, 2003 at GRIPS. He has been working active currently as a Vice President for the Operations Research Society of Japan.
His major research interests are in applying operations research theory to public sectors decision making, policy analysis and evaluation. He has published many papers in the areas such as optimization theory, mathematical programming model and so on. His papers appeared in Journal of Combinatorial Theory (A), IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, Communications of Operations Research, Journal of Operations Research of Japan, Journal of Civil Engineering Society in Japan, OPSEARCH, International Transactions in Operational Research, Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics, and so on. He published 9 books in Japanese entitled such as “Graph, Network and Matroid”, “Algorithm”, “Optimization Model Analyses”, “Discrete Mathematics”, “Public Policy and OR”, “Policy Evaluation : Theory and Practice”, and so on.

Research Interest

Applying operations research theory to public sectors decision making, policy analysis and evaluation. Other interests are in the areas such as mathematical programming model analyses for energy and environmental problems, spatial interaction model analyses for inter-regional commodity flow phenomena, optimal public facility location problems and mathematical modeling approaches, apportionment problem and political districting problem, city traffic management policy analyses, mathematical modeling approaches for policy evaluation, and so on.