Marc A Ilies

Marc A Ilies

Marc A Ilies
Temple University, USA


Dr. Marc A Ilies was born and educated in Romania, receiving his B.Sc. degree from University of Bucharest and his M.Sc. degree from the same university, after a short stage at ENSC Lille, France, in the framework of the Francophone Teaching Module. He joined Professor Alexandru T. Balaban’s group at the Polytechnic University of Bucharest, receiving his PhD. From 1997 he was also a faculty in the Department of Chemistry, School of Biotechnologies, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine in Bucharest. He followed Dr. Balaban at Texas AM University in Galveston, TX, for post-doctoral studies aimed to develop new pyridinium cationic lipids for gene delivery, in close collaboration with the groups of Drs. E. Brad Thompson and Robert Garfield from UTMB Galveston, where he was a visiting scientist. In 2004 Dr. Ilies relocated to University of Pennsylvania for postdoctoral studies in self-assembling dendrons and dendrimers with Dr. Virgil Percec and cancer pharmacology with Drs. Vladimir Muzykantov and Ian Blair. Since 2007 he is assistant professor in the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, School of Pharmacy, Temple University. He has published over 40 scientific papers, reviews, and book chapters, and has co-authored one US patent. He also serves in the editorial boards of two journals.

Research Interest

His research interests fit within the broadly-defined bio-organic and medicinal chemistry at membrane interfaces using pyridinium compounds, being focused on the development of chemical solutions for the delivery of drugs and genes. His group is currently pursuing selective carbonic anhydrase inhibitors and activators and pyridinium gene transfer systems.