Junwang Tang
Associate Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, Read Interview session with Junwang Tang
University College London, UK
Dr Tang received his PhD in Physical Chemistry in 2001 from Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics. Between 2002-2005, he had been Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Fellow & NIMS researcher working on solar energy conversion in NIMS, Japan. After that, he moved to the Department of Chemistry, Imperial College as a senior research associate. In 2009, Dr Tang joined the Department of Chemical Engineering, UCL as a Lecturer in Energy. He has been recognized by an Outstanding President’s Award of Chinese Academy of Sciences (2001), JSPS Fellowship (2003) and Young Scientist Award by the International Association of Catalysis Societies (2008).He is the Guest Editor-in-Chief of a special issue of International Journal of Photoenergy, 2012 and sits on the editorial board of several international journals. He is an Honorary Lecturer in Chemistry at Imperial College London and visiting professor in Chinese Academy of Sciences and so on. Up to now, he has published more than 60 papers with a total citation of ~2400.
His Research Interest are Nanostructured crystals and films synthesis, in particular by microwave promoted flow chemistry; Solar H2 synthesis; CO2 capture and conversion to a renewable fuel (Artificial Photosynthesis); Inorganic/polymer hybrid solar cell; Photocatalytic contaminant decomposition;Biomaterials; Microwave catalysis.