May Fouad Nassar

Ain Shams University, Egypt, Egypt

  • Extended Abstract   
    Food Chemistry: Defying secular trend
    Author(s): May Fouad Nassar

    The secular variation of biological anthropology tend to assess the degree of socio-economic development that is why nations try hard to achieve better secular trends of growth. Taller height has been often described as a sign of social status and privilege, therefore it became a personal as well as a society wish. Samaras emphasized that with healthful nutrition and lifestyles and good medical aid , shorter people are less likely to suffer from age-related chronic diseases and more likely to succeed in advanced ages. Nevertheless, taller height has been often described as a sign of social status and privilege, therefore it became a personal as well as a society wish. Generally, in the last decades, stature tends to stabilize; however, weight continues to.. View more»

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