Pablo Daniel Postemsky

Pablo Daniel Postemsky

CERZOS-CONICET-UNS, Camino de la Carrindanga Km 7, Bahía Blanca

  • Short Communication
    Grifola gargal and G. sordulenta, Two Wild Edible Mushrooms with Perspectives as Biotech Products
    Author(s): Pablo Daniel PostemskyPablo Daniel Postemsky

    Grifola gargal Singer and Grifola sordulenta Mont. (Singer) are two edible and medicinal mushroom species which occur in the Andino- Patagonian forests of Argentina and Chile. These woods that mainly consist of Nothofagus spp. are under increasing pressure with the consequent need of finding alternative sources for these mushrooms rather than gathering them. The main interest in these species is their culinary properties, which include a characteristic almond flavor present in the basidiomes, mycelium from submerged culture and solid-state fermented substrates, as well as the closely related Grifola frondosa , a well-known medicinal mushroom. In recent years G. gargal and G. sordulenta have been studied for both their medicinal properties and culture conditions by researchers from Argentina, Chile, Japan and USA. However, ne.. View More»
    DOI: 10.4172/2167-7972.1000124

    Abstract PDF