Mohamed OmerAli
Research Article
Prevention of Acute Malnutrition During the Lean Season:Comparison of a Lipid-Based Nutrient Supplement and an Improved Dry Ration, South Darfur,Sudan. A Quasi-Experimental Study
Author(s): Leisel Talley, ErinBoyd, Fawzia el Sharief, CurtisBlanton, Mohamed OmerAli and Maha Mohamed Omer AbdEl rahman
Leisel Talley, ErinBoyd, Fawzia el Sharief, CurtisBlanton, Mohamed OmerAli and Maha Mohamed Omer AbdEl rahman
Objective: To assess the nutritional impact of a Lipid-Based Nutrient Supplement (LNS) and an Improved Dry Ration (IDR) in blanket supplementary feeding programs.
Design: Longitudinal, quasi experimental non-randomized study
Setting: Otash and Al Salaam internally displaced persons camps, South Darfur, Sudan
Subjects: Children aged 6-36 months were randomly selected for inclusion in the study based on height cut-off of 95 cm and were anthropometrically assessed (weight-for-height z scores [WHZ] based on WHO standards, edema presence, and midupper arm circumference) monthly. IDR was distributed in Otash camp and LNS in Al Salaam.
Main findings: At baseline, 658 and 893 children were enrolled and 159 and 187 children were assessed at all 4 distributions in Otash and Al Salaam.. View More»