David C Dallas

David C Dallas


  • Review Article
    Digestion of Protein in Premature and Term Infants
    Author(s): David C Dallas, Mark A Underwood, Angela M. Zivkovic and J. Bruce GermanDavid C Dallas, Mark A Underwood, Angela M. Zivkovic and J. Bruce German

    Premature birth rates and premature infant morbidity remain discouragingly high. Improving nourishment for these infants is the key for accelerating their development and decreasing disease risk. Dietary protein is essential for the growth and development of infants. Studies on protein nourishment for premature infants have focused on protein requirements for catch-up growth, nitrogen balance, and digestive protease concentrations and activities. However, little is known about the processes and products of protein digestion in the premature infant. This review briefly summarizes the protein requirements of term and preterm infants, and the protein content of milk from women delivering preterm and at term. An in-depth review is presented of the current knowledge of term and preterm infant dietary protein digestion, including human milk protease and anti-protease concentrations; neonata.. View More»
    DOI: 10.4172/2161-0509.1000112

    Abstract PDF