Ainiwaer Aikebaier

  • Research Article
    Nutritional Status of 35 Elderly People Residing in a Nursing Home: A Dual Challenge of Energy Surplus and Nutrient Insufficiency
    Author(s): Jin Wang, Yi-Wen Liu, Ainiwaer Aikebaier, Zhen Tong, Yan Zhang and Hong-Wei Guo Jin Wang, Yi-Wen Liu, Ainiwaer Aikebaier, Zhen Tong, Yan Zhang and Hong-Wei Guo

     To elaborate the implications underlying dietary nutrition and physical activity, and give a reasonable advice for the elderly to acquire an ideal body weight.35 older individuals aged 65 years and above were applied to conduct a nutritional survey and estimate energy expenditure for the elderly in a nursing home by a weighed- food recording, anthropometry and factorial calculation. Intakes of energy, carbohydrate, protein, fat, thiamine and riboflavin were (5.63±1.32) MJ, (193.8±51.3) g, (45.2±9.9) g, (43.3±11.6) g, (0.82±0.25) mg and (0.46±0.15) mg, respectively. The sample fraction of inadequate intakes of energy, protein, thiamine and riboflavin compared with the recommended levels in terms of 2000 Chinese Dietary Reference Intakes was 88.6%, 77.1%, 88.6% and 100%, respectively.Total energy expenditure (TEE) was (4.90&plusm.. View More»
    DOI: 10.4172/2161-0509.S5-001

    Abstract PDF